African History Month Questions & Answers


  1. It’s a misnomer but what African American is known as the Black Edison?
    Granville T. Woods
  2. What African American Inventor developed the first long lasting light bulb?

    Lewis Latimer

  3. What African American woman is called the Moses of her people?

    Harriet Tubman

  4. What African general led an army of 100,000 troops and 300 elephants across the Alps mountains to defeat the Roman army?

    Hannibal Barca

  5. What African American educator created Negro history week?
    Toussaint Louverture
  6. What African American educator created Negro history week?
    Dr. Carter G. Woodson

  7.  Who was the first African president of the modern era?

    Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana

  8. What African American scientists revolutionized America’s southern agricultural industry?Dr. George Washington Carver
  9. Name the person of African descent located in France who wrote the Three Musketeers?
    Alexander Dumas

  10. Name the African queen who defeated the Dutch and fought the Portuguese to a standstill for 40 years?

    Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba


  1. Granville T. Woods

  2. Lewis Latimer

  3. Harriet Tubman

  4. Hannibal Barca

  5. Toussaint Louverture

  6. Dr. Carter G. Woodson

  7. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana

  8. Dr. George Washington Carver

  9. Alexander Dumas

  10. Queen Ann Nzinga


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